Website Women at the table
Social Media Intern:
WomenAtTheTable is looking for an ambitious intern to:
– grow WomenAtTheTable’s social media following
– keep followers appraised of latest developments in WomenAtTheTable projects
– use Social Media more potently as a tool to outreach to relevant parties.
The intern would be in charge of engaging and growing the following, as well as coming up with relevant posts and content.
This role is ideal for anyone interested or currently enrolled in marketing, digital storytelling, digital journalism, and a love for feminist systems change. This role will report directly to the Founder and Programme Associate responsible for Women at the Table.
For this internship we would like a short note or video detailing your motivation and two sample social media posts (in two different social media mediums: either Twitter, Instagram or Tik Tok) on one of our four initiatives (<A+> Alliance; f<a+i>r Feminist AI research; <AI & Equality> Human Rights Toolbox; The G-app) or on Women at the Table itself.
This is a paid internship.
G-app Intern:
WomenAtTheTable is looking for a hard working self starting intern who will be able to help Women at the Table and the various international organizations who will use the G-app tool input data, problem solve with tech issues by liaising with the Women at the Table team, while variously identifying (and potentially outreaching to) new conferences to find opportunities to use the tool.
This role is ideal for anyone comfortable with spreadsheets, interested or currently enrolled in data science courses. This role will report directly to the Founder and our Data Science Programme Associate responsible for the G-app and other projects.
This is an unpaid internship but has the potential to transition to a full-time position.
Administrative Intern:
WomenAtTheTable is looking for a diligent thoughtful self starting volunteer to work on small admin organizational asks that keep the organization and its many teams humming in harmony,
This role is ideal for anyone interested or currently enrolled in business admin or is just a quick rigorous perfectionist who loves an elegantly organized spreadsheet or perfectly proofed blog post.
This role will report directly to the Founder and Programme Associate responsible for Women at the Table. This is an unpaid internship but has the potential to transition to a full-time position.